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Saturday, March 10, 2012


I am suffering from psoriasis for the past fifteen years! I had treatment with all sorts of medicine. No cure. Doctor! Tell me, do I have to live with this ugly patches lifelong? A very common question from the depressed victims.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disorder rather than a disease, where angry red lesions appear on the skin, multiply and results as scales with silvery patches. Ofcourse, it is a over simplification. Sometimes people experience low self-esteem because psoriasis is unsightly and ugly. Psoriasis is often understood by the public as contagious, which can make social interaction awkward. This may lead to emotional problems such as anxiety, anger, embarrassment and depression.

There is a general belief that psoriasis is an incurable skin disease. It is estimated that four percent of the nations population are affected with this skin disease. Psoriasis is a puzzle to all physicians because the treatment that works for one victim will have no effect or benefit on another.

How does it occurs?

In normal growth pattern, the skin cells are created in the basal layer and then move up to the outer layer of the skin. The dead cells are shed from the skin at the same rate as new cells are produced maintaining a balance. The normal course of this phenomenon is about 28 days from cell birth to death.

In psoriasis, the affected areas switch from normal growth pattern. More cells are created and pushed to the surface very fast. The skin cannot shed as fast as growth occurs. The excessive skin cells builds up and form elevated scaly lesions. The white scales that usually cover the lesion is a component of dead skin cells. The redness is caused by the increased blood supply to the affected area.

What causes it?

Psoriasis is a non-contagious, inherited, auto-immune disease.

It may flare up with climate, infection, stress and drugs.

Heredity plays major role in aetiology of the psoriasis cases.The disease tends to run in families.

Many patients will have a relative who suffers from this illness.

Clinical studies should be made to study the genetic predisposition in psoriatic families, thereby the HLA antigens.

Clinically, this disease may be associated with some other ailments such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, AIDS and endocrine disorders.

Recent research studies indicate that psoriasis is a disorder of the Immune system. This system includes a type of White cells called T-Cells which normally help to protect the body against infection and disease. Researchers believe that abnormal immune system ceases the activity of the T-cells on the skin. These T-cells trigger the inflammation and excessive cell reproduction seen in some psoriatic patients. Since the cellular activity is abnormal to the natural phenomena, it is considered as an auto-immune disease.

Normally, Psoriasis flares up with the chemical medication for the common illnesses like Arthritis, Blood pressure, Migraine, or any other pain. Psoriasis commonly gets worse during winter and less severe in summer. Emotions certainly aggravates the condition.

How does it affect?

Psoriasis most commonly appears on the scalp, knees, elbows, hands, feet and nails. It rarely affects the face. However, no area of the skin is exempted including the genital area. Most of the patients ignore the scales on the scalp, which are often misinterpreted as dandruff. It can be well differentiated by the enormous scaling and red base which indicate psoriasis. Itching is a rare symptom of psoriasis . However, there are some exceptions.

Itching differentiates Eczema, an allergic skin disorder where the patients have intolerable itching and oozing.

Psoriasis comes in different forms and degrees of severity. Different types of psoriasis display the characteristics such as pus-like blisters, sloughing of the skin, drop-like dots and smooth inflamed lesions.

Psoriatic Arthritis is a specific type of Arthritis that occurs in a few patients of psoriasis.

Diet for Psoriasis

Research has been done on fat metabolism in psoriatic patients. This led to the conclusion that the lesions depend on fat metabolism. It is better to avoid the animal and vegetable fat. The study has revealed no flare up with the carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Some psoriatic patients live happily as vegetarians. They could control the ailment with diet. Click here to know Diet for Psoriasis

Some practitioners feel that fish oil has effect in controlling the scales. Early morning sunbath is beneficial. If you have severe itching, allergic diathesis may be associated in such conditions and you have to follow Diet and regimen to control the Allergic foods." Low sodium diet is advised to avoid much exfoliation and itching.

Is it curable?

Permanent cure is possible only with Homoeopathy, because it treats the patient as a single, whole entity. Local applications with lineaments or ointments appear to help the patient, heal the ailment, but this smoothening lasts for a shorter period. After sometime no lineament or ointment however strong helps the patient. Now if an indepth study is done we find the ailment is dynamic and genetically predisposed and is amenable to a similar dynamic remedy which is HOMOEOPATHY!

Homoeopathy believes that "Psora" is the prime cause for Psoriasis. It is multiheaded or hydraheaded with skin lesions, patient`s emotions and other ailments. The suitable Homoeopathic medicine is selected on the basis of constitutional approach, that is, the complete study of patients behaviour and detailed study of the lesions.

Normally when a well suitable remedy is administered to a patient he will have improvement soon . It may have remissions after sometime which doesnt mean that Homoeopathy is not suitable for treatment. If you observe carefully, the intensity of the lesions would be lesser than before. The long-time illness cannot be eradicated in a short span. The dynamic disease has to be eliminated from the body, layer-by-layer to establish a permanent cure.

I have treated many cases of psoriasis. Many patients showed instant vanish of symptom in a single attempt. I had a case whose suffering lasted seven years but without recurrence even after ten years of cure. Some patients had remissions after few months or years. Recurrence shows that the disease force is still existing in your body and does not mean the suppression. You can differentiate this by the less intensity. It can be eliminated from your body completely to bring permanent cure! I had used the same potencies which helped them to recover.

No Match To Timely Homoeopathic Treatment

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