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Saturday, March 10, 2012



“I don't know the reason why the pimples are coming? Is it something due to allergy or heat?

I am really afraid it would disfigure my face with scars and pitting".

If you're a teenager or reaching teenage, chances are pretty good that you have some pimples which is medically diagnosed as Acne vulgaris. This predisposition will make you unsightly and embarrassing. Almost eight out of ten teenagers have acne, and also lot of adults. Acne is very common - so common that it's considered a normal part of puberty. But knowing that doesn't always make it easier when you're looking at a big pimple on your face in the mirror. Luckily, learning about acne and taking some simple steps can help you feel better about your face.

What is acne and what causes it?

The only real cause of acne is overactive oil glands in the skin. When the boys and girls attain puberty the male sex hormone, Androgen is produced in large quantity. It is responsible for your surprise growth, good musculature and glowing skin. Like other organs the sebaceous glands are hyperactive, swollen and get clogged. Usually acne tends to run in families with genetic predisposition.

Some girls who normally have a handle on their acne may find that it comes out a few days before they get their periods. This is called as Premenstrual acne, and about seven out of ten women get it due to hormonal changes in the body. In some victims severe angry-red eruptions result following polycystic ovarian Disease.

Most patients believe that Acne is a form of allergy or heat and suspends with soap and other cosmetics. Acne is a condition of the skin that shows multiple eruptions. These can be blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, cysts and small or big pustules.

But sometimes it may appear on neck, shoulders, back, and chest which is often misinterpreted with venereal diseases. This would make the women embarrassed to avoid social gatherings. The hair follicles, or pores, in your skin contain sebaceous glands. It is an oil gland. These glands make sebum which is an oil that lubricates your hair and skin. Most of the time the glands secrete the right amount of sebum, and the pores are fine. But sometimes a pore gets clogged up with too much sebum and dead skin cells.

If a pore gets clogged up and stays closed but bulges out from the skin, you're left with a whitehead. If a pore gets clogged up but stays open, the top surface can darken and you're left with a blackhead. Sometimes the wall of the pore opens, allowing sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells to make their way under the skin - and you're left with a small, red infection called a pimple. Clogged up pores that open up very deep in the skin can cause cysts, which are infections that are bigger than pimples.

Sometimes the cyst may rupture and leave behind a unsightly scar. Pitting and dark pigmentation results in many! Acne commonly appears during puberty and disappears within two to three years, in some victims it may continue into thirties and beyond. This happens when the Androgenic activity is more. There is a myth about uncontrollable sex drive causing Acne.

Acne often triggers with summer climate, constipation and stress.

What is to be done

1-To prevent the oil build-up that can contribute to acne, wash your face twice a day with soft soap and warm water. Do use unscented oil-free soap. Don't scrub your face hard with a wash-cloth - acne can't be scrubbed away, and scrubbing may actually make it worse by irritating the skin. Try using just your hands instead.

2-If you wear make-up, make sure it's labeled "oil-free". This means it won't clog your pores and contribute to acne. And when you are washing your face, be sure you take the time to remove all your make-up. If you use hairsprays or gels, try to keep them away from your face, as they can also clog up pores. If you have long hair that touches your face, be sure to wash it frequently to keep oil away. Acne will be associated with dandruff always. Take! hair care.

3-If you have an after-school job that puts you in contact with oil - like in a fast-food restaurant or gas station be sure to wash your face well after your job. Also wash your face after you've been exercising hard and sweating a lot.

4-If you look into the mirror and see a pimple, don't touch it, squeeze it, or prick at it. you may feel hard to do - it can be pretty tempting to try and get rid of it. But when you play around with pimples, you can cause even more inflammation by poking at them or opening them up. Plus, the oil from your hands can activate them. More importantly, pricking at pimples can leave tiny, permanent scars on your face.

5-Shave or trim your beard carefully with new razor blade every time. Avoid the use of alcohol-based aftershave lotions and minimize the use of harmful cosmetics and other chemical medications to keep acne at bay!

What Diet I shall take?

Acne is not a food related problem. However it may trigger the eruptions. We generally advice the patient to cut down on sweets, chocolates, fatty and oily food and to take plenty of vegetables. Click here to know diet for Acne

What is the treatment?

There are many lotions and creams available at drugstores to prevent acne and clear it up for some time. Usually the youngsters experiment with these to see which one helps. Normally there will be no effect except your skin may get too dried out and look worse than before. The reason is that external medication will not help to clear acne. Acne will not respond unless the sebaceous gland gets regulated.

I have treated many cases of Acne involving the face, chest and back with great success. If the eruptions are so mild just as prickly heat neglect it. But if it is pustular consult a practitioner since negligence may disfigure your face. Most patients respond well with our medicines within a period of 6-12 weaks.You may require continuous intake of medicines to get your hormones regularized.

Homoeopathy holds the theory of internal medication with dynamic, safe, natural medicine. Homoeopathic treatment takes into account the causative factors as well as the type of acne present. It also removes the excessive oil from the face and makes the skin look healthy and clear. It regularizes the menstrual cycles, correcting the hormonal imbalance and thereby permanently clearing the face from acne. It also eliminates the tendency to form scars. A constitutional approach will also take care of mental stress, if any. Thus homoeopathy can be the answer to the agonizing problem of the teens!

No Match To Timely Homoeopathic Treatment

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