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Saturday, March 10, 2012

What is Homoeopathy ?

We offer homeopathic consultation for chronic as well as acute diseases.

What is Homoeopathy?
It is a holistic medical system, which offers effective treatment for most of the chronic as well as acute ailments. The versatility of the system takes care of not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional and mental problems. It has stood the test of time and proved its efficacy.
More about Homeopathy

Main advantages of homoeopathy:

  • It aims at stimulating body's own healing mechanism to counter the manifesting disorders.

  • The action is curative, not suppressive.

  • Symptomatic approach is one of the great beauties of the system, which makes cure of most of the diseases possible and is specially useful where diagnosis has not been established.

  • Apparently the disease may though be the same in different individuals, their symptoms might be different to each other. Homeopathy has a great range of medicines covering such conditions. Particular needs of the individual can therefore, be taken care of.

  • Takes care of the modalities. This is yet another wonder of homoeopathy.

  • Is cost effective.

  • Can successfully cure most of the cases without surgery.

  • No known harmful side effects.

These advantages make it a fast growing healing system in many countries. It is gaining popularity with every new day. In South Asia, specially in Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka, homoeopathy is one of the main healing systems. Pakistan has thousands of homoeopathic clinics all over the country.
If you are new to homoeopathy or wish to know more about it, go to "Homeopathy FAQs". There you would find answers to most of your questions about this great healing system.
For commonly used remedies (polycrests), click here.

What can be treated by Homeopathy?
Most of the diseases like
Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma,
Diseases of kidneys, Renal Colic, Calculus or Stone in Kidney,Bladder and gall bladder.
Diseases related to stomach and intestines,Despepsia,Enteritis, Ulcer of Stomach,diarrohea.
Hepatitis B and C, Jaundice, Cirrhosis of Liver.
Heart diseases (including coronary thrombosis, Angina Pectoris), Hypertension, Hypotension, Hot flashes.
Hemorrhoids, Annual Fissure,ProlapsusAni,Fistula in Anus.
Migraine, Obesity, Paralysis, Rheumatism,Sciatica,Insomnia, Snoring, Female diseases including Lactation Problems,Amenorrhoea,Menorrhagia,Leucorrhoea, Sterility and various Skin Diseases i.e. Acne-Pimple ,Itching Scabies,Uriticaria,Ring Worm, Herpes Zoster, Freckles Small Pox,Measels,Vitilego, Naevus,Moles,Warts,Tumors,Psoriasis, Leucoderma,Dandruff, Alopecia (falling of hair) and other problems like Pleurisy,Mumps,Plague,Gout,Leprosy,Cholera ,Gonorrhea, Dropsy,Diabetes,Hysteria, etc. etc.

can be effectively treated by homoeopathy

Mental ailments like Schizophrenia, hallucinations, depression, phobias and anxiety can be treated equally effectively.

Contact Info:

Homeopathic Doctor/Skin Specialist
Dr.Shakeel Muzaffar
Prime Homoeopathic Clinic

Evening: 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM
All days except Sundays

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